Sunday, June 1, 2008

Partial Defeat....

So, I have been doing well with trying something new every day, but not with posting. I have been really busy and at least half of my new foods this month have been convenience foods. That is not what I intended this blog to be. I will continue with trying new foods, however the blog will be different. I will no longer post about any new food I try, but will only post about new recipes or foods I have made myself. I am disappointed I haven't done better, but I've realized that this goal is different from some something like Project365. I have to research to find new things and that takes up a lot more time than just finding something interesting, like I was able to do at first. May killed me, with work and social life, it just got the best of me. Lee doesn't want me to do this, but I think it's for the best. So I start anew in June, and hope it will make this a better quality blog.

Thanks for reading!



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